Tuesday, April 2, 2013

365/photo-a-day - March wrap-up

best friends and b'maids at a wedding - saturday afternoon cocktails - tuesday yoga
flatiron building - b'day cab ride over the bridge - on the way to the ceremony
old friends, good times - mom's so cute dog - o'hare airport
looking out in the LIC - thursday yoga - shamrock shake!!! - museum of nat'l history
going red for equality - bride-to-be and her mom - easter sunday cocktails

*disclaimer - the photo OF me drinking the shake was not taken BY me - but I allowed this one to count towards the month's photos because it's pretty darn cute ;)

March came in with a snowstorm and out with a cocktail - as it should be. It was a month full of travel, old friends, new smoothies and lots of yoga - and at least one picture per day. Three months in and I'm still going strong.

I also had a bit of an epiphany about my use of Instagram to post my daily pictures - previous to this 365 project, I'd heard of the photo-sharing social network, of course, but I'd never had a very good reason to be a prolific Instagrammer. Until I discovered that besides getting my pictures "liked" by other users (which is always a nice ego boost), I was also able to find inspiration from others users who were also doing a similar photo-a-day project by simply searching #365, #365photo, #photoaday, etc. and then following those users whose photos I liked. On days when I feel creatively stunted or stuck and can't bear to take one more picture of the buildings at Astor Place, I can simply turn to my IG photofeed and see what others have chosen to photograph on their own cold and rainy commutes to work.

Instagram is also holding me to a higher standard of professionalism. I know that whatever photo I post has the possibility to be viewed by thousands of people - and I would never want half that many people to see some quickly composed, non-intentionally blurry, badly lit picture. Just the mere presence of "peer review" causes me to really check to make sure that I'm truly happy with all the elements of my photo, which in turn makes me a better photographer.

March by the Numbers
Photos of my feet:  3 (but it could have been so much more - I hit up the yoga studio about 10 times this month!)
Photos of trees:  7 (8 if you include the pic of my urban herb garden)
Food and drink photos: 7
Photos with people/animals: 8
Action shots: not nearly enough - I need to get better at these

**Want to see my daily photofeed? Follow me - @maspad on Instagram!

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