Wednesday, June 15, 2016

status update

I've been light on the posts this month for reasons that range from acceptable to excuse. I got caught up in a work project, I got caught up in an arts and crafts project, I had to drop my winter coats off at the dry cleaners, I spent too much time lounging in a park with friends over Memorial Day, I'm doing a 30-day plank challenge AND a 30-day step challenge and after all that planking and walking I'm just plum tired out, I didn't have (and still don't have) the appropriate words to talk about Orlando, we cleaned out our storage closet and it took longer than expected, I started taking a class about brand management, I had to pick up my winter coats from the dry cleaners, I spent too much time lounging in another park for a friend's birthday, and ultimately, I ran into good old-fashioned writer's block. But this marks my 300th post on this little blog of mine, and while I certainly didn't expect to make it this far, I'm really glad I did. Though I'm decidedly less pie and more smorgasbord these days, this site has been one of my longest non-human relationships outside of an ill-fated seven-year tryst with T-Mobile. And despite the writer's block and the post-travel blues that descended upon me after my whirlwind world tour of this past April and May and the fear of having virtually no plan or foreseeable path towards any form of consistent employment, I write and I photograph and I post because frankly, I just really enjoy creating this space. So thank you, dear reader, for sticking with me this long - and I hope you will join me in raising a (digital) glass to the next 300 ;)

*This was me at a BCBG in boca
*Spread the light
*Art, anyway
*Are you as obsessed with the Brady Bunch as I am? No? Well you should be because this exists.
*Cultural literacy is an Always Food
*I dedicate this book
*love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love

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